Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Turn on the news today, and you’re likely to see stories about how individuals and communities are disadvantaged or marginalised based on a facet of their diversity.
Whether it’s race, religion, sexual orientation, or age – real challenges are being faced, and we can’t assume that the issues stop at the door of the workplace.
Our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Offering
More and more organisations are getting serious about diversity, inclusion and belonging, and for good reason.
Diverse and inclusive companies outperform those that aren’t. Greater gender diversity on executive teams drives better financial outcomes and better adoption of change. Staff feeling like they belong contributes to higher engagement, lower attrition, and better customer service.
But aside from all of that, it’s just the right thing to do.
If any of the issues below have been raised in your organisation, it might be time to consider some diversity training programs to help you move forward.
Signs that it’s time to invest in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion training
- Your top executives all look the same: usually stale, male, and pale.
- Employees don’t feel safe to speak up.
- Everyone might be treated equally, but not equitably.
- Inappropriate jokes or pervasive and offensive stereotypes are common.
- You’re not hearing any dissenting voices or different perspectives on important topics.
- You can’t seem to hire the best talent, despite offering great packages.
- People often break promises and agreements.
So, what can be done about it?
Did any of these sound familiar? If so, let’s have a chat about how we can put together a diversity and inclusion course that suits your organisation’s diversity, inclusion and belonging agenda and ambitions.